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Александр Петров
Александр Петров

Vmware Esxi 5.5 License Key 14


Vmware Esxi 5.5 License Key 14

thanks for making the work easy! i've got two esxi 5.5 hosts on a windows server 2012 r2 vcenter server 5.5. i'll be upgrading to the latest version of vsphere 6.5 and this is my plan. (1) after upgrading, i'll be bringing down both hosts to bring up a new vcsa 6. (2) after the new vcsa is fully deployed, i'll be upgrading the hosts. (3) finally, i'll be bringing down the vcsa and upgrading the hosts.

i've been trying to figure this out for the past couple of days. i was able to upgrade successfully to 6.5. however, when i get to the step where i need to install a service pack, i'm prompted with the following message: "the provided vmware-vmvisor-installer-6.1-1489771240.exe file is already installed and is running on your system. to complete this task, you must uninstall this service. once you have uninstalled vmware-vmvisor-installer-6.exe, you can install the service pack again.

if you want to use the public cloud services, you will need to get a license for the public cloud services. all the public cloud services have a annual subscription. you can see the complete list of public cloud services here.

note: if the vmware public cloud service you select is not listed, it can be found under the "fusion applications" section of the vmware public cloud dashboard. the vmware public cloud dashboard is accessible from the public cloud services landing page.

all the public cloud services are configured in the same way and follow the same process as that for the on-premises vsphere environment. this post is about the configuration of the vcenter server appliance. vmware fusion users should refer to the vcenter server appliance for vmware fusion post for detailed configuration. 3d9ccd7d82


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